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Sectional door motors are automatic systems that open and close garage doors and industrial doors. In industrial models, the motors mounted on the pipe system called shaft lift or lower the door through the ropes connected to the bottom panel of the door. Industrial door motors have larger torsion springs and thicker rail thicknesses than other door motors. In motors for garage doors, the system works differently. The door panels are angularly pulled upwards from the rails added during assembly. The motor, which is positioned on the ceiling of the area at the midpoint of the door, pulls the door towards itself, that is, towards the ceiling and makes it parallel to the upper wall. Thus, the automatic sectional door system works.
Industrial door motors are generally used in large areas such as factories, warehouses and hangars. There are industrial door motor products that work with different systems. Compared to garage door motors, which are a secondary sectional door motor product, they work much faster and are designed with a working model suitable for industrial usage conditions.
Garage door motors are generally used in underground car parks. These products, which are frequently used in warehouse or car park doors for mass housing or detached, are designed for personal use and offer the best solution in this direction.
Sectional door motor prices generally vary according to the type of motor to be selected due to the type of door, the intensity of use and the size of the door. Check out the sectional door motor price advantages now with Otomaskon assurance!